Articles, News & Announcements

How Accounts Payable Automation

How Accounts Payable Automation helps reduce payment Frauds in Businesses

One of the prime issues faced by the accounts department is that of fraud. It hampers the working and profitability of the business.

5 benefits of Automating Accounts Payable

5 benefits of Automating Accounts Payable

Accounts Department holds a key position in an organization, maintaining every day and yearly accounts. This department is also responsible for managing the profitability of an organization. 

Automation in Metal Industry

Automation in Metal Industry using AI-based OCR Technology

Automation is the buzz word in industries today, rendering processes simplified and efficient.Before automation came into being, all the tasks were carried 

AI Based OCR For Automation

The manufacturing and trading industry is a leading contributor to the US economy. Steel, Machinery, chemical and airplane manufacturing sectors are key contributors in Manufacturing Industry. 

Benefits of OCR For Metal Industry Automation

Optical character recognition (OCR) is a tool used to read text from any form of manual data/ images and translate them into digital formats that can be read and edited. 

How to Make a Smooth Transition to Remote Development Team

From Facebook to Amazon and Twitter to Google, the rise in the number of COVID-19 cases has prompted companies all over the world to ask employees to work 

Vendor Payment Automation

Vendors known as suppliers are an important part of the business. Vendor payments (accounts payable/ invoice to pay) are the financial transactions your business makes with vendors who provided goods or services to your business.

Star Software strives to provide integrated and innovative automation solutions to our clients by utilizing the latest technology, best practices and recognized industry standards through our knowledge and significant experience in the industry. 

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